Montgomery County
Recent News About Montgomery County
Montgomery County ranks 35th in Ohio for government transfer dependency at 22.9% in 2022
In 2022, government transfers made up 22.9% of income in Montgomery County—ranking it 35th least dependent among Ohio counties.
Pegues Named Assistant County Administrator, Jenkins Chosen as New HSPD Director
The Board of County Commissioners approved two promotions that will ensure continuity for the County’s Human Services functions.
County's New Digital Budget System Increases Community Transparency
An online budget reporting system is helping Montgomery County save time and money while increasing community transparency.
Water/Sewer Customers may see non-refundable convenience fee
Beginning August 1, 2022, customers who pay their water/sewer bills through Montgomery County Environmental Services will be charged a non-refundable 2.3% convenience fee if using a debit or credit card.
Spring 2022 ED/GE Funding Recommendations Announced
On Thursday, May 5, the Montgomery County, Ohio Economic Development/Government Equity (ED/GE) Advisory Committee recommended funding five projects, totaling $1,495,000 from the County’s 2022 Primary Economic Development Fund of ED/GE.
Montgomery County receives two NACo Achievement Awards
The National Association of Counties (NACo) awarded the Montgomery County Board of County Commissioners with two Achievement Awards.
Montgomery County breaks ground on $65 million water reclamation and sewer infrastructure project
The Montgomery County Sewer Modernization and Revitalized Treatment (SMART) Project broke ground at the Western Regional Water Reclamation Facility (WRWRF) today.
Spring 2022 ED/GE Funding Recommendations Announced
On Thursday, May 5, the Montgomery County, Ohio Economic Development/Government Equity (ED/GE) Advisory Committee recommended funding...
Montgomery County Offering Vendor Outreach To Provide Information to Diverse Businesses
Montgomery County is reaching out to all diverse vendors including minority-owned, veteran owned and woman-owned businesses to educate them on the process of doing business with the County.
April is National Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month and National Autism Awareness Month.
Child abuse and neglect are problems that confront every community in Montgomery County. In fact, in the past few years we have averaged more than 3,500 investigations into abuse and neglect claims.
New Burkhardt Branch Library Welcomes the Public
The Dayton Metro Library’s new Burkhardt Branch will open to the public on Monday, April 25 at 9:30 am, thus resuming its regular operating hours.
Portions of Mad River, Alex Bell Roads to Close For Washington Township Roundabout Project
Montgomery County Engineer Paul Gruner announced today that beginning on Monday, April 18, work will begin on a $967,000 project to reconstruct the intersection of Mad River Road and Alex Bell Road into a modern roundabout.
Judge Capizzi Announces He Will Not Seek Re-election
Today, after much deliberation, I have decided that I will not seek a fourth term as Judge in the Montgomery County Common Pleas Court, Juvenile Division.
Transition Plan Open for Comment, Review
The Montgomery County Engineer’s Office will present its Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Public Road Right of Way Transition Plan for public comment and review.